awkward smile! damn. my bro ani ....ada ka time inda sesuai d gambar nya aku. since aku alum ready and masa atu its a crowd... but watthe fudge.ani saja ta yang the clearest gambar he take that time .the others are crappy .
btw lightroom shit me "your beta version has expired" inda salah ku inda jua ku download beta nya. damn i need to torrent tah ne untuk esuk lagi.
sakit tangan ku .kan main game dlu.
more stories tomorrow . got CDDCL class at 830am
see u there.
shited by lightroom,
030/365, originally uploaded by aminperth.
photo : tools of the day, racheting screw driver, duck biel pliers , flat screwdriver and another duck biel pliers ( ahaha mayber here ada salah spelling so go check it out:p )
actualy nya muak sudah ku liat all my pics in coveralls ahhh. to much of baby blue colur.currently watching Liverpool vs bolton match pulang ni. and half time.
Overtime as usuall today.traffic was good except balik ah , ada urang accident ah along rba to gadong highway. semua lagi chineeesee tu .
went home with my entots in her car.but me dirve. get some sushi for takeaways, then empire bali 7 boxes of popies. haha and two for me and abis dua2 ulih ku....nyamannnnn :p now kanyang sampai inda temakan nasi baa. liat la sulnya karan if aku inda tais liur kan makan nasi. maybe kan jalan ke KK koya sok kan makan Kue Tiaw .slrupsss. esuk ta tu ;p
watched anugerah rtb ah. well sedih sulnya. they have to do it ara ICC supaya ramai urang datang.since sana ada consumer fair jua.then lagi the audience macam nada respond and banyak jua lagi jamputan khas sulnya.... cana ta durang kan 'excited' meliat. mostly jemputan khas atu pun urang2 tua jua .hahahah. then lagi this indon or entah dari mana yang nama nya stacy. damn shitted mannnnnn. she was singing...then ia suruh the crowd to sing along....cuba tah nada urang respond atu....gila mun aku jadi artist macam atu ....menangis tu babe....hahaha but hey she just beeing professional and thats what she do best.but still .....urg brunei ani ta banar....macam inda berapa participating baaaa;D
my parents went to Airport to pickup my bekirim ta aku fries . hofuly ada masi bejual since u duno when xpress tutup di airport atu.
tomorrow will be my 1month of this 365 project hofuly it will continue till the end of 365 with wonderful pictures. hahah and kan buat photobook out of it. then jual or just for my colllection la...
hahah so much of angan2 for just 1month ani.hehehe
eh match continues. sambung liat bula dulu
oh its 5 mins till my blogpost punya deathline.hahaha.wat the fuck . malas ta ku ingau.
thats it. dont thing have any to say here lagi.
with "fuhh"
photo : my new Dragon Sunglass GG Jet
how i wish this month is over and my weekend is far-near.
one day off but happy doing overtimes.
hope this funding my big lugs of lens ....
to them yang keep on "indakan....atuuppun...what it..." fuck you, im not in the energetic mood to argue. hahahaha
Update: so i was alone with my dad at home.nda kana bawa ke consumer fair ara icc ah.lupa durang my mom kan akuuu?huhuhu fine fine fubbly finee ;/ so hafta buat my own dinner and makan sorang2 not really in a huge mood thats why i grt over it with a gooooooooddd doze of a sleeep.yeah i fucking tired as well so i just plus
everything else for the sleep.sleep at 6 den woke up at 730 then continue to sleep from 830 till 11pm then sleep lagi b4 12 afya o finished uploading pics ara flickr
photo : layout of aircraft. cabin work, ani showing position of the jamban on 767 and the numbers of screws required for installation due to rounded head/broken thread/missing and etc etc lah.
i cant do this for living. i keep complaining on and on again about how bored my life is and how i can keep posting and taking super pics.
i still envys those yang doing night stobing. light up the subject and still have nighty background.awesome bokeh and all those equipments to die for. so what the fuck
today jalan to work with my dad's ride FORD RANGER since my corolla ada macam bunyi screcching sound on the wheel. suspected something scratching on my disc break pulans that why it show the rounded scretch my dad bawa la ke workshop in Tutong baby~
So i ruggedly zoom my way to work. as usual semi-stucked in pooed traffic. but damn i so hate beeing late arrive-ees , as if some people inda sadar durang datang aher jua .hahah fuck u eh . thats not the point.
at the hanger , wak dolah pun becerita panjang. the aircraft yesterday almost AOG but its only for a while and si Roy manged to get it back serviceable. the checked aircraft yesterday was supposed to be pakai uleh our dearest friends yang macam inda ingat kan kami lagi ..... alif and dk ( you guys owe kami) . tapi since its dealyed , durang pakai RBK ( its the oldes or style lama punya aircraft, should know what i mean:P ) so curse on you guys hahaha .
then lagi 777 deal with jetairways kaput. fuck ehh . nada tia 777 coming this feb ah? i duno wat the fuck is wrong. its internal matters that im not willing to share;p
nita half day today with gbah. so loo is in charge of us.
mii entot went eating with cuz and shoping wit sis.
supposed today - payday. tapi macam inda sibuk ja kadai today. macam biasa ja anyways
my stuffs sampai.dragon sunglasses and mini led torch untuk keraja .jadi ta asal ada. tadi ada pulang si anis kan menjual his's G2 surefire nya for 50dollars brunei tapi aku mau yang ada mode supaya i can adjust its brightness and save jua battery ;p
eh ngalih ku sudah. sok kaja lagi and mengayakan my GG and calca.
Hahah sorry for the late post.its been a slacking and super duper unproductive day for me.not having much work and zoom straight home and sleep through maghrib.mun my parents tau.abis kana sipak tu or kana simbah mun tido tym maghrib ah;p
Makan ikan kembura and sambal blacan yang nyaman sekali entah maybe my mum got it from tamu khamis d tutong ah.
But what the heck i still envy those yang keepup with the 365 project not cheating ,the pic taken yesterday just i dont have the time to upload it to blogpost
Thats it folks
A checkingly yours,
its an A check day and nada chance kan balik awal . nada kana bagi. so typically its a payday for the RBA . but macam nada pun riuh sulnya.
went swimming then ujan tia. so it cut short and we went to see the bosses main squash. macam siuk sulnya after i tried it. nanti ta bali all the gear;p heheh sweating baa . thats what i want;p
zoom straight home with sleepy head, singah jap ara empire cenima just to buy popcorn. gila ah , i duno what kind of drug the put in there but its fucking sweet macam how to explain ni but i duno. just go and try la.
if some find it yummier esle where. just drop me an email so bulih ku hunt that shop down. ahahaha
my mum masak mii fave sayur- PAKISSSSSS
and its 11pm ish.gila baie tired and sleepy sudah ku
off to bed
amazingly tired yours/un pimperizes
its si muhammad birthday celebration .so we went to salambigar laaa. but kami jalan dulu < thats me and my bro. sal i havent got anything for him. gila berabut ba membali baju ah. went to gills sport to get something then endup with liverpool punya home jersey. doubt with his size so antam la janji larger than his size daripada smaller.
the menu ; soto, ikan selunsung, ayam kari and sayur sayur mixed veggie.
then ada lucky draw lagi tuuu and i got 5dollars easi recharge card.....awe--------some! ;p
then kami all pun balik la,but kami detour lagi ke huaho di delima and got nothing, den jalan ara this kadai auto, and got nothing juaa, then went to ICC < seingat ku ada consumer fair ba, but nada jua << mengantam jua aku tu, then kan ke yayasan.....macam jauh and malas jua kan bayar parking lagi;p then jalan ke mall, inda jua jadi sal nada pun pc fair and then went to huaho ourselve some gula gula and my bro bought a nike lanyard.thats it .
kejumpahan kami cigu mapil luang and his sons. hahaha becetaaa panjang lagi kami...abis air liur ehh ;D
lastly kami singah to huaho tutong < macam semua huaho kan kami aga ani bahhh .hahaha bought sun shade untuk side and autoglym untuk screen wash .sweet. thats about it and its a wrap ....for the shoping.
this pic was ment to be scary but with messy background, aku knife the edge so the backgorund atu macam all black. its actually nya my dad's punya store untuk nya betukang :p this with the help of my bro . so naglih sudah ku bebiran ani and menaip.
another day another fucked up ideas
greatly deep doo doo
ps/ oh yeah to RBA punya kuli kuli, your money is already out tadi pagi sudah only on HSBC bank while bank lain....kirim salam air liur la babe :D hahaha
TOTW : Hiding
so its yellow on black < i can find a group for this some other time l8r
anyways its been a 3rd saturday overtime with the cabin engineers and mechanics. so basicaly we started around 8 and off by 5pm . kami punya real cabin boss is on sick leave. sian ka nita ani.. and currently makin banyak tia urang kana dis diseases ah... nOOOoOoOoOo jgn ja kana aku. it will be shitty all day for me .
damn around 830+ am ah, saw His Mejesty The Sultan Flights, his 747 was on a circut run . touch and go over and over again...apa yang bagi aku sasak is .....MY BRO!!!!!!!!!! ada ka ia inda the plug in the power for my battery ah . i trust him to charge my batt ah. kali nya juntai2 ba wayar nya still unpluged....damn! iatah pagi tadi sampai aku lupa tia pulang membawa my batt...the 747 was landing right in front of the hanger. it was an amazing capture if i had got my batt fully charged tadi.
damn it was super duper ala-kabuza-ma-headblown! buduh ba BMOB ani . lagg so much sampai load a page pun take forever.apa tah lagi kan liat youtube ani....damn ruggi sapa yang register bmob will be super disappointed macam baik lagi derma duit atu<< aisehmennn ;p
damn tired ah, luckily got my babe to drive to work.esuk lagi my lil kazen bday and i havent got any present for him yet....what should i buy for that lil boy ah ? i thinkin for a 3-4 years old, baik lagi aku bali baju bula ah :? hmmm
and today we shot this pic outside and with the help of my bro , inda payah tah aku pkai my tripod:P
to DK an Alif >>>> astahhhh bila kamu kan lanja kami makan aniii ???? hahahahah lupa kamu arah kami sudah kaa???
with love hates and envy
stunningly yours,
today ada RBK A CHECK and that moring atu its was over-manpowered usulnya , since no Supervisor on RBL , we all work on RBK la the avionics guy nya.
si ali bujang ani awal2 pagi sudah ya main helicopter remote controlnya >> he said it cost 79ish BND? mahal jua ah;p
with that , im clueless what to do and expected to do. ia tah aku keraja sama si KHANAFI and we do the cleaning of ULB ( under water locater beacon) and Control panel TEST on CVR (cockpit voice recoreder) its something new for me and betanya ta aku tones of question ara si nafi....but still im in doubt sal mostly jawapan nya deviates from what im realy asking and seeking the answer for. then kan tanya si boy, ia busy with FDR download, and kan tanya si LOo, macam ia sangal sudah kan answer my ques ...hahaha sorry dude.then paksa ta refer to the big gun. MR LADAK. well he gave me semi cloudy answer but directs me to ENG server. ohhh ok sana rupanya all the CMM of every components..
with that info i know that the ULB can last for min 30days and as long as ia touch water and sea water ia give a 1 beat/ultrasonic sound per sec .and no stress code will be transmitted. lagi pun its just a locator beacon .bukanya ETL (emergency Transmitter Locattor)
then ada slip gaji. so that it. gila ngalih sudah ku menaip. to much terms to tell ,too short time to tell, i got to sleep till i feel well. hahahah rhyming tia pulang.
going to sleep-ly yours
ps: btw ,dear alif and Dk, astaaa baik ta kamu lanja kami makan ahh, makin delayed karang kamu punya flight to uk . mau kamu missed your degree courses kaa??? hahahah baik ta lanja kami makan and then we all will restui your degreee course : p until makan....then...
picture of yesterday,
since it was shitty uploading night , last night. me and my bro inda dapat up the pic both to our blogspot and flickr. so here ani ta saja my pic.
supposed - kami ada A check on RBR ( one of RBA aribus fleet) .sudah tah payah2 kan bangun pagi2 .....eH!!! aher sudah . OFF TO WORK. karang lagi sambung ;p
supposed to be an A check on RBR, pukul 6 ta kami sampai. then shitty thing is the police datang around 20mins late to open the ALL of us waiting outside for the gate to open 20mins l8r. aher juaaa polisnya ani. rugi ehh . datang kami ara hangar , and while we are getting ready for work to be , kali nya si ALI bujang ani memberitahu ara biskami...A check might be canceled....gila atu ya rasa nya macam inda paedah datang.... i mean awal laaa.
so we were told to standby for two HOURS until its confirm that inda tia jadii A check!gila makin tia rasa kusut and ngalih<<>
iatah the whole day atu macam SICK , BANGANG and SLEEPY and super FUCKING TIRED ba rasanya ah .hmmmmm hmmmm and just HMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
so then the big boss of Avionic suruh kami back to work arah RBL wich means Nothing to us. since the kaja only a FEW while we have plenty of MANPOWER. doing the replacment of OVERHEAT temp switch and wirelocking in/on/at confined space atu....yarabii....payah jua badan basar ani <<<< hahahahah
then while i did the wirelocking ani, aku kan keep the overhead area clean from the wirelocking shits, so aku buang ta kebawah the shits and then its beeing picked up by PAUL CATO<<< ketaguran tiaaaaa, nya dont throw all your lockwires on the flooors .danger-ous baa. damnnnn my badd....lambat ba MJSB atu kan clean up the place...mun inda my ass is covered pulang tuuu ;P
so heck enough for the explaining the story here. more typing power for tomorrow's post lagi
booted by the boss,
fella reader and view-ers . today i wasnt able to post the pics and since pics pun inda dapat di upp tonite then im not in the mood of becerita dongeng today. so until the pic is upp then maybe storry will follow.
tired- ly me,
today im feeling so semi creative and under inspired still so i came out with this for my hiding theme of the week.
so ani ja dapat aku sampaikan and the rest of the cover , esuk tah saja.
work at 6am esuk so i'll be up by 430am. and another 1hr drive to RBA.
btw appulos now have another link to apptrckr << wich is the kurant tha bamb! hahaha at least no more lag as shit as before. aiyacuramba mama mia lolita donita on mtv. its 2313hr . kan tido dlu
bye bye and night night. stop reading this or you will get bored
fuck my noteboook ani! fuck the interneet to. paloi eh . why kan both cari pasal on my 365 post tonight. i supposed to post this shit 30mins ago!
balik balik ta aku restart router and re-upped my pics and endup restarting my laptop lagi bagus....overload in surfing the web kali since lastnight. namanya 24hrs laptop :P
anyways morning drive ada tia urang accident . aku ani kan beat the traffic by jalan on 630am sharp but then still 15mins late jua pasal the mini crash atu.nasib jua inda aher jalan ari ani. if not....adoii
then zoom tarus to entot's antar pisang and sayur, take some so called semi inspired pics . i think i have a problem with light. light does not seems to like me.i need to try and get to know the lights.
btw work today.....hmmm cana ah. only a few saja la. since today cabin is quite slow on the avionic side. at least rehat jua my brain today.inda jua drained by Looo's quiz hahhaha :s
entots cooked satay. yummy and heck as usuall jadi ular lapas lunch ...hahaha tired mann im just super tired
its been a while since we / i play footie. manakan jua UJANNNN .. rezeki jua tuu .allahmdulilah.... subur jua kabun padi babu and nini ku di kampung atu:p heheh ampit jua baras barunai ani :p
mun ada durian lagi bagus;p
bah bukan inda panjang aku merepek ari ani. panas atu ku ni (segmen panas2 ) panas macam dalam oven ba. macam kana tunu rasanya ah. paloi eh my system for today
bah goodnight all
hope and wish me a creative pics tomorrow
uninspire-ling yours,
amin FR
the DA team
I've been working all day, and I'm still working right now. There's always some sort of picture thing that needs to get done.
I've been too busy. I'm too tired, and too lazy to do anything else with my camera today. This is the worst day on my photographic history with my new camera. Taking a few pic and look super utterly bored makes me want to quit this 365 but im hangin on to it for now.
check out my footwear:) hahaha two years old hard rockin bitch and still goin strong
check out my sis and bro 365
my bro's 365
my sis's 365
and yeah, malas ku kan upload pic of my bro's new car. its corolla anyways .hahahha
and sory for the 10 pm promise ;p heheh
sok start kaja lagi . oh yeah we are freggin tired for the 1 day rest only .hope we could find a cheaper house .at least nyaman jua rehat instead of ulang alik 45 mins one way to home and work ...
sapa ada iklan or recomendation that i might consider just drop me an email or two
the DA team
016/365, originally uploaded by aminperth.
my bro just bought a new car. if you all following the past few post. tau ta kamu tu apa keta nya . but if not then wait for the unveiling of this economy drive tomorrow 10pm ahahaha
need a good night sleep and deep snoring for me to recover just from a day off from the whole week. apa bley buat...cari rezeki yang halal beb and for the sake of eating sushi when the pay is in :) hahaha lapar lapar lapar eh
im so glad that my brother can keep up with his 365 project as well
do visit his at AFIFs365
esuk ot yey!
update: today we do and did some work on RBL but biasa laa, we leave some junks for tomorrows OVERTIMEEEE wadupp :P. so my entot are able to join the OT jua esuk ah :) inda jua brapa sunyi ;p (ada jua dangan bekalayie:p)
kononnya, kan zoom tarus balik but then baru sampai jrdg, kana call tia suruh join them antar my sis ke ubd and eat out with my mom . since my mom pimp that night so apa lagi....antammmm:P apa jua kami ani, kraja sama RBA mana ada kana bagi bonous jua baa;(pic above atu kami makan ara xpress qlap after we went to HUAHO.....kejumpahan two mates....sorang atu macam ku kenal while the other one atu is my class mate and ia inda kenal aku lagi sulnya .wat the hek ;p
its was great day out walaupun ngalih. but spending time with mom is priceless and kana lanjaa. who would reject the offer ? haha lagi pun they needed me pun pasal untuk discount 10% makan ara xpress, mun indaaaaa lupa durang kan aku tuuu~ huhuhuhu
supposed my bro ani ada flight ke KL but then he is an airbus pilot and last minute change ke KL ani durang kan pakai Boeing aircraft ah. so cancel-ed la. before balik ke telisai, singgah jap ke Empire cenima since their POP CORN IS THE FUCKING BOOM! tais liur ku walaupun kanyanggg!! ahahah antah laaaa nyaman baaa. mesti durang bagi dadah punya niii ;p and i saw VW DPMM datang ...but then bini2 yang turun from that car ah.... wtf???
need a deep-o-rest . sok OT. yey !
tired tired but hyped .
RBR A check today
stand down, supposed to come at 6 but since we went EGR yesterday , boss give 2hrs allowance:)
did the coffee maker and battrey espu
sent off around 1330 and lunch at amanah harith
back home and sleep all the way. its been a rainy week .
its monday ( alasan lagi) will add story soon. as im soo freggin tired as fuck ari ani >
Update: ari ani si ep bawa macnya kan mehack psp semi softmod ja la but not fully long as ka nita paham and anak nya paham jua den its ok and cubata durang buat awal2 masa atu.sehari jua ganya siapnya ah;)
then the story about degree jadi sour.the talk mostly about our dear fellow intake DK.ada oa ia punya statment on the paper sed that, she is lucky beeing the 3rd lady engineer.they were like wtf!? Mana inda jua urg PO.kalau ia sadar and kenal semua urg sini, its more than 3 engineer kali ah sudah.some are in office and some are in line girl better get your fect stright and make peace.they sure will be super duper furious at you right now.i dont know the rest.its just unappropriate to mention help or death is near you.
PS/: lip,dk, bah bila buat farewell party (makan)? Hehe
heck , i almost miss the time line for today's post. hahahah beeen resting all day after the OT work. its fun, sunyi but hey i got most of the jobs done.
kira punya kira, hey am i getting 140+ for this saturday ? damn straight i sure must get that.
then the shitty news paper cerita.... intake 25 enam urang ? fuck are u nuts ... its 16 of us you random lun. and envy eh durang main snow ne nanti time di UK. but goodluck for both of you DK and alif-kun. 20 mis before today is over...
what more i need to add here? btw im fetchin my bro from airport sok...hofuly "worth it" lau ada goodies for me
yes,its my sis bday yesterday. she wants a X Mini speaker !? malas ta ku ingau. i only willing to fund her for educational purposes saja. other than that ....minta la dari my bro.
to much crap here. i saving the stories for next time . maybe some here NOT intrested in the SOTries but just the PICS.
a great freggin day !
hava great sunday
my alarm supposed to buzz me at 329.... tapi rupanya its pm punya alarm!!! jubur! nasib jua my mum banguni ...mun inda aher datanggg.....kaburr;p so bangun at 401 to be exact and shit my way to RBA! gila ngman jua smpai in 45mins...waaat the heck! sleepy and dizzy lagi rasa time predock ah.. damn! ayung ehthen went to bangin treat! hehe great. makan raw fish saja baah this month ah
and this is some pop to finished/ do
1. giv ma sis the movie - paranormal activity
2.edit mi entot pic and transfer to hdd
3. giv mi entot the some movies/series
4. compile alven pics
5.isi logbook
6. print some AMM
7. update 365 shits shit tones of iphone apps
9.eight is enough .haha
esuk ta aku update .... busy busy ;p
update : so this pic im trying to show butul sehat dulu and butul sehat sekarang:D si ray punya pulang tu. with my self that looke super sweaty. meher? shit no way. i always say to all " sweat for health bah" hahaha.
i was on RBH A check that day. i was assign with mr jose our pinoy avionics guy. old and very experienced lad. takut ku jua ia ani luan mengantam sul nya . why ? out of 3 jobs that we do/did that day. sekali ja ia refer to AMM (aircraft maintanence manual) BS ! i say to my self ( actually cursing him) sapa jua inda ijap. shit falls, it will tepalit ara kami.haha.
1st we did the replacement of main battery. buduh! sakit pinggang ku atu....imagine lifting the weight of half ur self alone.... gila! sizenya inda jua basar tapi baratnya.....yaaa tuhann minta ampun kuuuu.nasib jua si jose ani tabal belipat2 muscle nya.
2nd after 10.... sudah ta the tail plane ani di luar.atu ya panas....brunei tah lagi... changing the logo light.....aduhh! naik forklift lagi....hohoh macam 3 storey high rasa nya on that mini platform....guyang2 lagi tu...ahhhh tekamih2 rasa nya...nasib jua sama jose. mun urang "lului" yang lain...gila kana nyaya to beb. 2 hrs working under the from raw to well done la sul ku.
thats it folks.
iphone 3gs on 3.1.2 rocks! and battery seems .....batah? entah la . maybe its just me
soory , just bangin tired today. will up tomorrow
update: today is shit load of nothing to do.what day is it ? ahh yeas its tuesday. still nada kaja di cabin.. super tired like hell! i duno maybe kebaruan jua kali turun ke hangar. but shit that. how can i think straight mun nada keraja baa.ada pun just removing floor tracking and defect fixing thats it. until ada DRC raised, untill then baru ta kan bekeraja ah . damn.
went swimming. us and alven ja ada. actualy nya b4 that main bula. fuck! 3 vs 1? gila janji melayu jua banar.. kononnya ramai ta urang kan main bulaa ani. hahaha shite loads cum loads eh! haha wat the heck wattttt the heck.
1st day working back at base ( means full hands on the aircraft instead of sitting and mostly dooing nothing in the office) maybe office work isnt just for me.
currently in the cabin section. anything regarding cabin defect would most probably is our job.1st day is a crazy fun day working while entot punya pasal ni. but then got a major cracking headache jua. all in all.... not such an exciting day to work at the base.
lunch kan jalan ke easyway but it was closed due to the cleanieess conditon of that restuarnt. damn....if i only knew that before..
detour ke nyonya resturant ta kami...spent 2obucks tia pulang.but wat the heck
evening, sending my bro off to southampton UK. ada pilot course for a week. wish u all the best and bringin more stuffs back to BRUNEI ah.
headache. just manage to post this and yesterday.story comes alongs as aku jadi rajin .ptui. most prolly aku malas jua ;p
it was lazy sunday. aku malas and aku inda rajin. no function or pangilan watsoever! damn that the least that i wanted for last sunday. so menalur la di rumah sampai patang. sleep sleep sleep. damn i was super lazy to do anything that day. kan cuci keta pun maalas.but wat the heck, its been over a month sudah inda becuci so just went out and splash my car with ....ok, its water la apa lagi. and me and my bro wipe the crap out of it.buang weekly junks and bali ICE CREAM MOOOOOOOO .that kept me energetic for few mins or so. take this pics while watching some lame-o documentary errrr movie? and heck my eyes and brain wasnt function as properly . thanks to my bro for reminding me to take pic for today.and thanks again for the tripod. dapa jua vain-ing my self for the rest of 365

story comes afterwards
so ani the story nya:
















and we saw KF1 ?!!! sapa bah punya ni...
best of all aku malas and ngalih dah.