ari aniiii

Filed under: by: my Point of View

so brought my nazar offering to RBA base avionic, its good to see them pakai all the goodies . allahmdullilah we all pass, congrats to my self , ben, ven, azam and aminnudin for passing theirs jua :) hahahaha bila lanja yawww ?

gave my entots AMin's burger sure bulih lawan ahad's burger punyaaa ;p

today saw 3 aircraft stranded dalam hanger , why o why i dont know whyyy . those 3 aircraft are:
Airbus V8-RBR (entah)
Airbus V8-RBT (C-Check)

Boeing V8-RBF (A-Check)

my bro bought me 4GB CF card ready for my 7D while 7D alum bebali....adoii

and last but not least , my entots newest rideeeee :) HONDA JAZZZ