ani ayam oven roast saya buat
recipe nya seperti berikut....
rosemary 1-7tangkai
thymes chopped 3 spoon full
juice of half a lemon / lime or one spoon of cuka
7 spoon BBQ sauce
2 spoon honey
splash of tomato ketchup
salt and papper secukup rasa
jintan puteh ( cummin powder) 1 spoon
jintan manis 1 tea spooon
corrainder serbuk 1 tea spoon
mix all and perap/marinate ayam for 2-5 hrs
*defrost ayam a day before memasak , macam if untuk masak dinner , defrost ayam the night before, then randam tia ayam atu, sok awal pagi lapas breakfast , drain all the water and wash ia sikit with water and tabur kan sedikit garam so ia dissolve all the moisture and at least ayam atu ada rasa sudah sikit , then lapas solat zuhur marriante tia ayam atu and biarkan sampai pukul 6pm and masak for 1-2hr gas mark 5 or 120 degree oven
selamat memasak :D
gila batah mengupload directly through blogspot ani , lagging berabis tantu pulang through picasa , FASTER, BETTER and STRONGER - 'kanye west' hehe