herbie fries

Filed under: by: my Point of View

lapar lapar punya pasal masak la this quickie

1.simply goreng bawang merah basar atu (blah 4 or 8 dulu before frying to get the taste) biar sampai semi rangup and cramelized

2. then bawang putih jua di smashed and guring sama kulit-kulit nya ( bagi rasa jua tu kulitnya ah)

3.kalau fortunate~ goreng sekali sama herbs macam rosemary, thyme (both atu nyaman berabis tu , bagi minyak awda berasa enak sekali~

4. guring tia fries or potatoes atu.....

5. then taburkan with loads of dried mixed herbs, some pinch of sea salt,more herbs from guringan tadi and of course KNOR CHICKEN STOCK OR SECUKUP RASA MAGGIE, kalau makan other chicken stock inda nyaman i tell you~

thats it, enjoi....